How to Book an Appointment
Appointments are available Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm at all sites. Evenings and weekends are provided from our Buckshaw Village Surgery site. These appointments are available to all our patients at Buckshaw Village Surgery, Adlington Medical Centre, Eaves Lane Surgery, Croston Medical Centre, Village Surgery or Medicare. These are available Monday to Friday 6.30pm to 8.00pm and Saturdays 9.00am to 5.00pm (Saturday service is at Buckshaw but is available to all of our patients).
We aim to offer patients routine appointments with a GP within 2 weeks. Not all conditions need to be seen by a GP. We have other clinicans who may be able to help.
When contacting the Practice you will be asked about recent travel. This is due to the recent outbreak of MPox. For further information please see the link below
Mpox - NHS (
If you have travelled overseas or have any of the symptoms of MPOX we would ask that you DO NOT PRESENT at the practice - Please call 111 for advice
Mpox (previously known as monkeypox) is a rare infection most commonly found in west or central Africa. There has recently been an increase in cases around the world, but the risk of catching it is low.
By Telephone 01772 376600
Our reception team is available from 8am to 6:30pm from Monday to Friday. The reception staff will be available on the phone lines to book appointments with the most appropriate clinician. This may not always be a GP appointment. Other clinicans within the practice may be able to help you.
Visit the Practice
Some patients choose to visit the practice to book their appointments. All of our practices are open from 8.25 to 6.30 pm each day. (closed 1-2pm)
Online appointment booking
The easiest way of booking an appointment is using our online booking service. If you haven't registered to use online services yet, simply follow the instructions at

NHS APP Download Instructions
Download on the Android App Store
Download on the Apple App Store
Or Click on the link below to access the online TRIAGE - We will get back to you within 2 working days. We do limit the number of Triage requests each day to ensure that our Clinicians are available to see patients for appointments.
Buckshaw Village Adlington Lostock Hall Eaves Croston
Which Clinician should I book with for my condition -
Who to see?
If you would prefer a chaperone for your appointment please ask at reception on arrival.
click to read Chaperone Policy
Blood Tests
We do offer blood test appointments For Blood Tests at each practice. There are times when the demand for blood test appointments are greater than the number of appointments. The community blood clinics are available for our patients to book into.
For information please click Blood Clinics.
How to cancel an appointment
We appreciate that patients have busy lives and at times do forget to cancel an appointment. If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know via the app, phone or in person. We have a lot of patients needing appointments and it helps when we can offer a cancellation.
Please note our clinicians work to BMA safe working practices. Once all of our appointments are booked patients needing urgent appointments will be signposted to an alternative provide
Please contact NHS 111 for advice.
Should you feel you have a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment, please dial 999.