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Patient Newsletter Aug 1 Posted or Updated on 1 Aug 2024

Welcome to the latest of our weekly newsletters. We regard it as a priority that all patients at our Adlington, Buckshaw, Croston, Eaves Lane Chorley and Lostock Hall surgeries are kept fully informed of developments. We hope these regular updates continue to prove useful.


Covid Problems

There are still very high levels of Covid infection in the area and there are high absence levels at many workplaces.

We know many of you are concerned about catching the virus and would advise that if you are particularly concerned, you should use a face covering when in public places, particularly if you are immuno-compromised.

There are currently no national Covid restrictions currently in place so there is no legal requirement involved, but we would advise that if you or your child have tested positive, you should stay at home as much as possible and avoid contact with other people for five days after the day the positive test was taken, or three days if you are under 18.

You should also try to avoid meeting clinically vulnerable people for 10 days after the day you took your test.

If you have need more advice, please call the national Covid helpline on 119.


Buckshaw Surgery Event

Thank you to everyone who attended the event at The Hub at Buckshaw last night, Wednesday, July 31, when there was a chance to meet staff and members of the Patient Participation Group to hear your views and opinions.

We received some great feedback on how we can serve the community needs by developing the services that we offer.

We hope to organise more such events in the near future.


Homeless and Ukraine Appeals

We are continuing to accept donations for both The Chorley Homeless Group and The Chorley Support for Ukraine group.

If you have any toiletries, sanitary products, baby items, pet food, non-perishable food items, shoes, clean duvets, blankets, towels, coats or sleeping bags you can spare, please drop them off at any of our surgeries during opening hours and our reception staff will collect and ensure your donations are delivered to the depots.

Please mark your bags accordingly if you have a preference for which appeal you wish them to go to.


Back to Normal!

The weekly patient newsletter has been published on Fridays for the last two weeks but we are now back to the normal Thursdays and will continue on that day and publish as normal throughout the school holiday period.